On completion of the course, participants are awarded the Wood Badge beads to recognize significant achievement in leadership and direct service to young people. The pair of small wooden beads, one on each end of a leather thong (string), is worn around the neck as part of the Scout uniform.
After completion of the Wood Badge course, participants are awarded the insignia in a Wood Badge bead ceremony. They receive automatic membership in 1st Gilwell Park Scout Group or Gilwell Troop 1. These leaders are henceforth called Gilwellians or Wood Badgers. It is estimated that worldwide over 100,000 Scouters have completed their Wood Badge training. The 1st Gilwell Scout Group meets annually during the first weekend in September at Gilwell Park for the Gilwell Reunion. Gilwell Reunions are also held in other places, often on that same weekend.
The coronavirus pandemic has slowed many Scout Training Activitys. This temporary deferment will allow Scouts to advance in rank up to, and including Life Scout, but not beyond. All other rank requirements must still be earned to advance. 38 wooden medal candidates participated in 13 districts for this and were able to complete a very successful course. This was the first course since the renovation of the Oppressor Scout Training Center and the course was conducted by a talented Scout Leaders team of LT, ALT Leaders under the direction of the Training Leader Geetramesh.
The Course which Commenced on 17th November with 37 Scout Leaders under the Directorship of Mr Geeth Ramesh LT and Deputy Course Director Mr. Ruwan Ariyaratne came to an end with the Closing Ceremony. This was the first advanced course where the new Chief Commissioner Attorney Mr. Janaprit Fernando participated as the Chief Guest, Chief Commissioner, National Training Commissioner Mr. Nanda Fernando, Director of National Training Mr. Padmalal Perera, Neoj We express our heartfelt gratitude to all those who supported and wished us including the Director of Training Gamini Somathilake. Chief Commissioner addressing the participants stressed on the need for the leaders to go back to their Districts and become active leaders and produce Scouts with high standards. He further said to go to schools which have no scouting and to start scout groups. He thanked the Course Director Mr. Geeth Ramesh and members of the staff for their dedicated services.